Ruma Fertility and Specialist Hospital Ltd in Ghana is a state of the art specialist hospital primarily focused on provision of world class infertility treatment services as well as other specialist services such as antenatal care and delivery, treatment of gynaecological conditions, advanced urogynaecological and urological services.
+ (233) 269-987-479

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Welcome to Ruma Fertility & Specialist Hospital Ghana, West Africa
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Services  /  PGD/PGS


Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis/screening (PGD/PGS) refers to the testing or screening of the embryos to detect abnormalities before they are transferred into the womb (uterus). Small pieces of the embryos (called biopsies) are taken with a laser machine and sent to the laboratory for testing. This ensures that only normal embryos are transferred into the uterus. The main advantage of doing this is that the baby/babies are not likely to have abnormalities and the pregnancies rates are higher because normal embryos are transferred.

Some of the reasons why PGD/PGS is done include: Older women more than 35 years undergoing IVF because they tend to have a higher risk of abnormal embryos, Couples who are both carriers of the sickle cell gene, this way they can avoid having a child with sickle cell disease.

RUMA FERTILITY AND SPECIALIST HOSPITAL LTD is the only IVF centre in Ghana running this programme.

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" Now everyone can have a baby" Trusting at the same time that: "We seek a way and God Creates the Way"

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