Ruma Fertility and Specialist Hospital Ltd in Ghana is a state of the art specialist hospital primarily focused on provision of world class infertility treatment services as well as other specialist services such as antenatal care and delivery, treatment of gynaecological conditions, advanced urogynaecological and urological services.
+ (233) 269-987-479

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Welcome to Ruma Fertility & Specialist Hospital Ghana, West Africa
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Services  /  Assisted Conception Services


The assisted conception services include basically the following procedures: intra uterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer-(IVF-ET), intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intra uterine insemination IUI, pre-implantation diagnosis and screening PGD/PGS.


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) means putting the sperms into the uterus at the time that the woman is releasing the egg or eggs (ovulating) from her ovaries into the tubes. This way the eggs are placed nearer the openings of the tubes into the uterus, therefore making it easier for the sperms to get to the eggs and fertilize them. Before IUI is done the woman is normally given some medications to make her produce 2-3 eggs. Due to the fact more eggs are available are available for fertilization and the sperms are placed inside the uterus, pregnancy rates tend to be higher than trying to conceive naturally. Some of the reasons why IUI is done are mild abnormalities of the sperm parameters (the count, movement and shape of the sperms), unexplained infertility, endometriosis, when the male partner is leaving abroad (the sperms are frozen in this case and used for the IUI).


For a successful IVF treatment the following steps are required during the treatment

PATIENT PREPARATION: Careful and meticulous patient preparation during which all the relevant tests are carried for the woman and her husband/partner before the actual treatment starts. This preparation is key to successful treatment!

CONTROLLED OVARIAN STIMULATION (COS). : During IVF treatment the doctor or physician needs a good number of quality eggs to fertilize them with the sperms of the woman’s husband /partner. To do this the woman is given some injections to produce enough eggs. Normally it takes about 14 days for this to be completed.

EGG HARVESTING OR RETRIEVAL: When the eggs are matured, the woman is taken to the operating theatre where the eggs are harvested. The husband will also provide sperms the same day for the fertilization to be done. The husband or partner can also provide sperms for freezing before the harvesting of the eggs.

INSEMINATION: This means that the eggs are fertilized with the partner’s/husband’s by putting them together in a special dish or by injecting the sperms into the eggs (ICSI)

INCUBATION IN THE IVF LAB: The fertilized eggs are now allowed to grow in the IVF laboratory for 3-5 days. In Ruma Fertility and Specialist Hospital we normally transfer the embryos on day 5 but sometimes we transfer them on day 3

EMBRYO TRANSFER: This is the last but most critical stage of the IVF process. The doctor selects one or two embryos and carefully puts them back into the womb or uterus of the woman.

LUTEAL SUPPORT: The woman continues to take medication known as luteal support up to the pregnancy test. The pregnancy test is done 2 weeks after the embryo transfer. This marks the end of the IVF cycle.


This means transferring the embryos into the womb for another woman to carry the pregnancy for a couple in which the woman herself cannot carry the pregnancy. Some of the reasons why another woman carries the pregnancy a couple are when the woman who wants a child has not got a womb, has a serious illness which will make it impossible or risky for her to become pregnant or has a genetic condition which can be transferred to child.

It should be clearly understood the woman who is carrying the pregnancy has no genetic connection with the child. This is because the eggs did not come from the woman carrying the pregnancy. She is therefore only acting as a carrier of somebody else’s pregnancy.


Ruma Fertility and Specialist Hospital is aware of the long distances couples travel from to undergo infertility treatment. The hospital is also aware of the frustrations couples go through during investigations. At RUMA, we have devised a SINGLE DAY COMPLETE evaluation where the couple does all the basic tests required for diagnosis of the problem:

Seminal Fluid analysis (you should abstain from sex for 3-5 days before arrival)

Saline infusion sonography or laparoscopy is done same to evaluate the tubes

Basic male and female hormone profiles are done as well

The history as well as testing for the mid-luteal progesterone is done to test for ovulation

Therefore, the cause of your infertility can be known in JUST ONE DAY

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" Now everyone can have a baby" Trusting at the same time that: "We seek a way and God Creates the Way"

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