Ruma Fertility and Specialist Hospital Ltd in Ghana is a state of the art specialist hospital primarily focused on provision of world class infertility treatment services as well as other specialist services such as antenatal care and delivery, treatment of gynaecological conditions, advanced urogynaecological and urological services.
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Welcome to Ruma Fertility & Specialist Hospital Ghana, West Africa
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About  /  Facts about Infertility


Infertility refers to the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after at least one year of trying to get one. They should have been having regular sexual intercourse (3-4 time a week)during this time that they have been trying to conceive.

For a woman to become pregnant, 5 things are important for this to happen:

The woman must be releasing eggs every month or regularly. This is known as ovulation.

The tubes connecting the ovaries where the eggs are and the womb (uterus) must be opened. The tubes are the place where the egg and the sperms meet. Therefore pregnancy STARTS or BEGINS in the tubes. If the tubes are blocked, natural conception cannot occur because the egg and sperms cannot meet. This is the commonest cause of infertility in women.

The uterus is where the pregnancy develops till the woman gives birth. Some conditions like fibroids can affect the uterus and make it difficult or impossible for the woman to carry a pregnancy.

The sperms must be of good quality. That is their count must be good (> 15million sperms/ml), their movement must be good and they should have normal shapes.

The couple should be having frequent sexual intercourse about 3-4 times a week. The reason is that when the woman releases the egg, it can only survive for 24 hours. After that it cannot be fertilized. So the woman cannot become pregnant that month.

Two other things affect fertility:

The age of the woman. The older the woman the more difficult it is to become pregnant. It is because the eggs are getting fewer and the quality of the eggs are getting poorer and poorer. Hence fertilization and implantation become difficult to achieve. The advise therefore is don’t WAIT till you age is advanced before seeking treatment. It is better to seek treatment before 35 years

The weight of the woman. Women who are overweight or obese find it more difficult to conceive. So women should make sure their weights are within the normal range. We can help women to easily check if their weights are normal or not.

So if you have been trying to conceive for at least one year and it is not happening, the first thing to do is to go a doctor for all the things listed above to be checked.
DO NOT start taking herbal medications without knowing why you are not getting pregnant.


The sperms come out during sexual intercourse: A lot of sub-fertile complain about this. What comes out is seminal fluid. The sperms swim quickly into the uterus once the man has ejaculated. This cannot be the cause of the infertility

Blood groups do not match: Blood groups have nothing to do with your ability to become pregnant

Position during sexual intercourse: There is no sexual position that associated with ability to conceive. Once all the 5 things listed above are normal, a woman can become pregnant in any sexual position.

Diet: Generally a normal balanced diet is advised. Overweight and obesity should be avoided at all costs.

Cigarette smoking and alcohol intake should be stopped or minimized in a couple trying to achieve a pregnancy.

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" Now everyone can have a baby" Trusting at the same time that: "We seek a way and God Creates the Way"

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